About Us

The Colorado Biofoundry is part of the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering whose mission is to “educate, innovate, cultivate and engage in order to generate new knowledge, improve quality of life, and positively impact society.”

The Colorado Biofoundry is supported by these sponsors:
The Abel Chair in Synthetic Biology
A high impact research grant from the Suzanne and Walter Scott Foundation
NSF Award #2123367 – Transitions: Rational Design of Viral Vectors
NIH Award #R01GM147816: Development of a Technology to Certify Engineered DNA Molecules.

The Colorado Biofoundry is a member of the Global Biofoundry Alliance.

From left to right: Sarah Sanders (research associate II / lab manager), Carissa Avalos (undergraduate student), Casey-Tyler Berezin (research scientist I), Haylee Smith (undergraduate student), Connor King (graduate student), Brianna Stanley (undergraduate student), Jean Peccoud (principal investigator)